The aim of this research was to determine the effects of combined kineziological programmes of corrective and Aqua gymnastics upon the improvement of bad posture with pre-school girls. The research itself had been conducted on a sample consisting of 45 girls, age 5 ± 0.5 years in which cases it had been established by an expert evaluation a weakness of some muscle groups but the entire musculature as well. For the evaluation of the posture condition, Naplan Wolanski method was used. It used nine variables that included the inspected body regions and the total estimation of posture. After the posture diagnosis has been established, a plan and programme of corrective gymnastic exercises was determined and iz was carried out within small groups, sometimes individually. The programme of kineziological activities has been carried out during the period of 16 weeks, twice a week per 60 minutes. For the purpose of analyses of the initial and final testing, T-test was used for subordinate samples. According to the results of research, it can be concluded as the applied programme had a significant effect in respect of improving the muscle tonus that directly was evident in improved posture of all examinees.