Criteria of administration present employees who are competent to contribute to success in sport and business. The aim of this paper is to determine the differences (if there are any) between clubs on two levels of competition in B&H according to the licencing of administrative criteria. This research includes 16 clubs of Premier league of B&H and 16 clubs of lower level of competition, the First Federal league in season 2012/2013. Results have shown that there is discrimination between variables of number of players with amateur contract, in favour of second level of competition while the other variables discriminate these two levels of competition in favour of higher level of competition. The first variable of administrative criteria which, with its coefficients, discriminates the first level from the second is variable of number of players with professional contract. Variables with lower coefficients are variables of number of employees in secretary, number of trainers of the first team, number of trainers with UEFA A licence, number of trainers with UEFA PRO licence. Variables with very low coefficients do not contribute to the differences on multivariant level. Those are variables of total number of employees and total number of trainers. Most clubs of Premier league exists in the area of bigger city centres, where great number of clubs have significant sport tradition and ordered structure of the whole organization which gives them advantage in most parameters as oppose to clubs of the First league of Federation which exist in smaller city centres with weaker organizational structure. The conclusion of this paper is that, in order to improve the functions of all segments of organization, management and work in football clubs, it is necessary to approach to the problem systematically and to use thoroughly planned and programmed strategy to remove all obstacles and problems to which clubs in B&H encounter.