The work is of a professional nature based on research of current trends in football. In my work, my desire is to bring these trends
closer to all those who love football and training. I sincerely hope that this paper will contribute to football theory and practice and that
it will be useful. Coaches often do not have a lot of time to prepare for matches amid numerous obligations – some competitive, s ome
sponsoring, and they are looking for programs that will make their work easier and bring the much-desired result. Today, the term
situational training is very popular, under which we want to emphasize the specificity of training in relation to activity. Due to their
specific character, games on a shortened space or as the literature says small side games (SSG) in football are often used as a training
tool to improve the technical and tactical performance, as well as the fitness abilities of football players. The impact of games on a
shortened space on fitness depends on a large number of organizational and methodical factors. Therefore, it is extremely important
for coaches to anowing the chronic effects of training games in a shortened space will allow soccer coaches to design fitness programs
more precisely.