The aim of this paper was to determine the differences in attitudes towards martial arts between men and women of different educational status. The research was conducted on 456 respondents aged 15 – 58 years from the territory of Bosnia and Herzegovina. Attitude towards martial arts was measured by the “Martial Arts Attitude Scale” (SBS, Bosnar, Sertić and Prot, 1996). The scale contains 34 questions related to the attitudes of BiH
citizens towards martial arts and their practice. Of the total number of respondents, 48 respondents stated that they would not engage in martial arts even if it was the last thing in the world, while 355 respondents said they would engage in martial arts. Other respondents were hesitant. Based on the conducted survey, we can conclude that martial arts are positively accepted in BiH, and educational status has a great influence on an attitude towards martial arts. People with higher education are more aware of the value and the need of being informed of martial arts. This is evidenced by statistics that show that people who had a positive response to martial arts are predominantly people with higher education, followed by people with a secondary education.
Keywords: sport; gender; bet scale; degree of education; Bosnia and Herzegovina.