The aim of this paper was to form the aspect of management of human resources, attachments, pleasure and change of intention of employees of all vocational sport federations of Bosnia and Herzegovina. Sample consisted of N=36 state vocational federations, which are members of Olympic committee of B&H, representatives of administrative apparatus of the mentioned federations. Questionnaire was created out of 18 items. Set of variables contained answers to the questions (items) about attachment, satisfaction and change of intention of employees. It is made of three components for assessment of attachment of employees to the organization, satisfaction of employees in the organization and change of intention of the employees.
Factorial analysis in matrix of analyzed area of attachment, satisfaction and change of intention of employees in sport organization, isolated five principal components, which explain overall area with 78% of common variance. Cross Varimax rotation extracted factors, which describe key elements of attachment, satisfaction and change of intention of employees in analyzed vocational sport federations of B&H, which are defined in following: 1. loyalty of employees towards sport organization 19.16% of common variance, 2. quality of relationship between employer and employees 16.53% of common variance, 3. satisfaction with work in sport organization 15.80% of common variance 4. engagement and expectation of employees in sport organization 15.41% of common variance and 5. dedication and commitment of employees to sport organization 11.48% of common variance. Engagement of employees is related to trust in management, increase of performances in work, satisfaction with work and intention of keeping employees. Organizational commitment created harmonic relation between employers and employees and it is very important for all organizations. It is proven that level of organization commitment of an individual to the organization is parallel to the personal success and success of the organization itself.
Key words: human resources, sport federations, employees, loyalty