The aim of this study was to determine the effects of lower extremity concentric isokinetic training on explosive strength in jumping performance, and compare results with those of conventional and unconventional methods. The sample was consisted of 30 healthy, physically active female students from the Faculty of Sport and Physical Education, age 19 to 25, and they conducted a 4-week (3 times a week) progressive leg strength training on isokinetic dynamometer. The reciprocal concentric knee flexor and extensor contractions were used, as well as plantar and dorsal flexion at different angular speeds. The results show statistically significant (p<0,001) improvement in the long jump performance of 13,6cm, or if represented in percentage 7,21%, and the improvement in the high jump by 3,82cm or 10,18%. We came to an overall conclusion that lower extremity concentric isokinetic training can result in the significant transformational effects on explosive strength in jumping performance, including both of its components, horizontal and vertical. Also, it points out that the effects are sometimes similar or even better than the other conventional and unconventional training methods intended for the explosive strength and jump performance development.