The aim of this research was to determine body weight and height influence on motoric achievements tests performing in basketball for three different ages. In this study 216 participants had been included, they were devided in three subsamples (70 students in both 6th and 9th junior highschool grades and 76 students in 3rd hightschool grade). Motoric achievements tests in basketball have determined achievements for techniques of catching and passing, dribbling and shooting on basket. Obtained results have shown that for youngest subsamples body height influences catching and passing in a set position test. In 9th grade body height and weight influence shooting on basket in 30 second test, while influence of body weight we can notice in catching and passing in a set position test. On samples results in 3rd highschool grade body height influence has been determined only in shooting on basket in 30 seconds test. In other tests there has not been determined any influence of predicate set of variables on test performing.A small precent of mutual variability, which
describes predicate set of variables, shows that on successful performance of motor achievements tests some other anthropomotoric measures have influenced, as well as some other anthropological features, what was confirmed by other researches.